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發表於 7-11-2010 00:10:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
以下转发VK3PC, IARU 3区灾害通信委员会主席的信:

Hello all,
The twice-yearly Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET) is
on Saturday 13 November. The main change is that it will be 1100 to 1500 local time of the stations taking part.

This will mean that some stations may start working before a HQ station is
available but this should encourage more relaying of information. It will
also allow us to compare conditions experienced by all three regions a little
more fairly.

The rules are below:

Rgds, Jim Linton VK3PC, IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee Chairman


Global Simulated Emergency Test ? November 2010
Saturday November 13th 2010 11.00 - 15.00 Local Time

IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-Stations of all IARU member societies and
stations of Emergency Communications Groups to participate in a Global
Simulated Emergency Test on Saturday November 13th, 2010 11.00 ? 15.00
Local Time. The operation will take place on and near the emergency
Centre-of-Activity (CoA) frequencies on 80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres
(+-QRM ).

This event is different to earlier ones as we will not be
activating all stations around the globe at the same time, instead the
event will call for stations to be active at their local time. This will
mean that some stations will have to wait for HQ stations to come on air
to pass their messages but will reduce the inter-region interference
that may occur.

The objectives of the test are;

1. increase the common interest in emergency communications.
2. test how usable the CoA frequencies are across ITU regions.
3. create practices for international emergency communication and
4. practice the relaying of messages using all modes.

So, please remember that this is not a contest, it is an emergency
communications exercise to develop the skills we will need to provide an
international emergency network.

Messages may be passed on voice (SSB), Data or CW modes as detailed below.

Voice mode
Each IARU Region will have a HQ station operating on voice.

HQ stations will be QRV at 11.00-15.00 local time in their QTH on all
CoA frequencies appropriate to their region +- QRM as shown below.

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
3760 3750 or 3895 3600
7060 or 7110 7060, 7240 or 7290 7110
14300 14300 14300
18160 18160 18160
21360 21360 21360

A list of participating stations will also be available at
http://bit.ly/bejVVW Participating stations should call 'CQ GLOBALSET'
giving their callsign and organisation (ARES,RAYNET, NETMAR etc) of radio

Message Format
Each participating station will send messages to their Regional HQ
station formatted using the IARU HF International Emergency Operating
Procedure which can be seen at http://bit.ly/2rrbwW That page also has
the message forms to be used for the exercise.

Stations should relay messages received towards the Regional HQ station.

To comply with licence regulations, all messages should be addressed to
Greg Mossop, G0DUB and should come from a licenced radio amateur.

Messages should be less than 25 words and must not include anything
which would be considered as a 'real emergency' message by a listener.

For example, acceptable message would be:

* Weather report at the station location
* Number of operators available
* Interesting fact about the station

An example message would be;

1 Routine ZS6BUU 6 Johannesburg 1100 8 APR

To Greg Mossop G0DUB

Johannesburg weather 15 Degrees and sunny

From Francois Botha ZS6BUU

There is no limit on the number of messages to be sent but each one must
have a unique message number.
Regional HQ stations will not be sending messages, only receiving them.
To avoid QRMing the HQ stations, please move to frequencies near the CoA
in steps of 5KHz for contacts with others.

To create a more realistic situation, please limit your transmitting
power during the exercise to 100 Watts. We are especially interested in
stations operating mobile/portable and/or on emergency power.

Data modes
Data stations must send the same format as used for voice messages.
There will not be any HQ stations for data modes in all regions, data
stations should use the frequencies defined for their preferred mode in
national bandplans unless otherwise shown. This makes the use of 'CQ
GLOBALSET' and registering your intended participation particularly

'Structured' modes such as Winlink, ALE, PSKmail should send their
messages directly to g0dub@winlink.orgThis e-mail address is being
protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , other
data modes should attempt to relay the messages through two other
stations before sending them to globalset-data@raynet-hf.netThis e-mail
address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to
view it for analysis. Where possible, email responses will be sent as
the messages are received.

CW Mode
CW is included in this SET to increase the possibility of stations
making contacts in difficult conditions and should be used when SSB or
data contacts are proving impossible. There will not be any HQ stations
for CW unless otherwise shown, CW stations should operate near the CoA
frequencies when SSB traffic cannot be heard.

CW stations must send the same format as used for voice messages and not
exceed 15wpm. If necessary CW messages can be relayed through two other
stations before sending them to globalset-cw@raynet-hf.netThis e-mail
address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to
view it for analysis.

A log sheet for messages passed is provided at http://bit.ly/8ZyOTG so
that analysis of the exercise will be easier. Stations are only required
to submit logs of the messages relayed, not the messages themselves.

It is acknowledged that there have been significant delays in the
production of reports from earlier events. However please send your logs
with comments, pictures and suggestions for future exercises to;
globalset08@raynet-hf.netThis e-mail address is being protected from
spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it as soon as possible
after the SET so that information can be gathered for a report of the
event as soon as the backlog has been cleared.

Thanks for your support of emergency communications.
Greg Mossop, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator

Stations intending to participate are requested to register through
their IARU Regional/National Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators as

Region 3 - http://www.iaru-r3.org/dcom/r3dcom-com.htm
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