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發表於 12-11-2010 12:55:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
這是來自IARU R3的報導,在這次智利礦坑營救的事件中業餘無線電亦扮演著一個重要的環節。
在全世界從電視觀看營救困在智利San Jose礦坑33名礦工,在這個地區的通訊協助就仰賴智利無線電俱樂部Radio Club de Chile (RCCH)。
在Atacama地區的業餘無線電會長Jose Maldonado報導他們協助可服通訊貧乏的地區,同時協助連結了各個主管機關從緊急救難設備從San Jose內部到到家庭以及位於Copiapo的主管機關。

Communications support for Chile mine rescue
Communications support for Chile mine rescue
As the world watched via television the rescue 33 trapped miners at San Jose in Chile, giving its support was the Radio Club de Chile (RCCH) to boost the availability of communications in the area.
President of the Radio Amateurs of the Region of Atacama, Jose Maldonado has reported that support was offered to overcome the lack of communications facilities in this desert region of Chile.
The support enabled links for various authorities with emergency equipment inside the San Jose site and also with family and authorities in the city of Copiapo.
While this collaboration continued all shared the common hope for the safe rescue of the miners, trapped 700 metres (2,300 ft) below the ground in the cooper mine since 5 August.
- Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, International Amateur Radio Union Region 3, Disaster Communications Committee.
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