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發表於 31-10-2012 15:33:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
-- NEWS --
Oct, 21th, Pass 5
EOS 118 ran for a few seconds before locking up. We were able to reset it back to the bootloader. Dumps indicate it is locking up while fetching telemetry from the hardware.
It does not look like there will be a quick resolution to this crash.
We will keep you posted.
- James, N3UCC and Michael, N3UC

Oct, 21th
The Kernal is uploaded. A new version of EOS is uploading. This version has more debug info in it to help us find out why it keeps crashing.
- Michael, N3UC

Oct, 18th
We tried to do a restart of the high level code today which did not work out. We left the transmitter on to drain the batteries in hopes of clearing any latch ups.
On the next pass, we could turn the bird back on so it survived the battery draining. The modem problem was back and we got that cleared.
Its back up on the secondary bootloader.
- Michael, N3UC

Oct 17, 2012 Pass 3
We have cleared the AFSK Modem problem again and are up on the secondary bootloader.
- Michael, N3UC

Oct 16, 2012 Pass 2
AO-27 has crashed again. Its back at the bootloader.

Oct 15, 2012
The command team has finished uploading the high level code to AO-27. EOS is now running and we are checking out the bird. The TOPR schedule will be on digital for the entire pass until we collect enough telmetry and finish the on-orbit checkout.
- Michael, N3UC

Oct 14, 2012
The AFSK modem problem has come back. After Woking the night passes the last few nights we have recovered from that problem.
AO-27 is running on its secondary bootloader, this is the one we can upload high level code with.
We had a great commanding night and begun to upload the kernal today.
We can report than the entire kernal is now uploaded. EOS uploading will start next pass.
- Michael, N3UC and James N3UCC

Oct 12, 2012
The command team finished downloading memory from the bird and has begun uploading of the secondary bootloader.
- Dustin, KB3FNF

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