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電 訊 條 例 (第106章) TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE (Chapter 106) 香 港 HONG KONG
呼號 :
(hereinafter referred to as "the Licensee") is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions herein contained -
(甲) 管有、設置及維持一個用作無線電通訊的業餘發訊及收訊電台(以下稱為“該電台”);
(乙) 作為持牌人進行自我訓練的一部份,透過發送及接收下列訊息及訊號,使用該電台與其他業餘電台進行通訊-
(i) 與持牌人或其通訊人直接有關的私人訊息;
(ii) 構成發送上述訊息的一部份或與之有關的訊號(並非密碼或暗碼)。
(a) to possess, establish and maintain an amateur transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications (hereinafter referred to as "the Station");
(b) to use the Station, as a part of the self-training of the Licensee, to communicate with other amateur stations by transmitting and receiving -
(i) messages about matters of a personal nature in which the Licensee, or the person with whom he is in communication, has been directly concerned;
(ii) signals (not being in secret code or cypher) which form part of, or relate to, the transmission of such messages.
使用的限制 Limitations of use
1. 該電台只可使用通訊事務管理局(以下稱為“管理局”)在附表1所認許的發射類別、功率及頻帶。
The Licensee shall use only classes of emission, powers and frequency bands as authorized by the Communications Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") in Schedule 1.
2. (甲)
(i) 長久或臨時設置於一個固定地點;
(ii) 設於香港境內的車輛上;
(iii) 設於在香港註冊或領牌的船隻或水上航行器上;或
(iv) 以手提方式設於香港境內。
(乙) 持牌人不得將該電台設於飛機或其他航空器上。
(丙) 持牌人在未徵得管理局同意前,不得更改附表2所指明的電台地點。
(丁) 附表1及附表1備註內所列的細節如有任何更改,持牌人須在該細節更改後72小時內,用管理局指定的表格,以書面通知管理局。 (戊) 持牌人須在符合管理局在附表1及附表1備註內所訂的限制下,設立該電台。
(a) The (i)
(ii) (iii) (iv)
(b) The
(c) The
(d) The
Licensee may establish the Station, as specified by the Authority in Schedule 2 - at a fixed location on a permanent or temporary basis;
on a vehicle within the territory of Hong Kong;
on a vessel or watercraft registered or licensed in Hong Kong; or
as a portable station within the territory of Hong Kong.
Licensee shall not establish the Station aboard an aircraft or other airborne vehicle.
Licensee shall not change the location of the Station as specified in Schedule 2 without the prior consent of the Authority.
Licensee shall notify the Authority in writing, in such form as the Authority may specify, of any change in the particulars set forth in Schedule 1 and
Notes to the Schedule 1 within 72 hours of such change.
(e) The Licensee shall establish the Station subject to restrictions as stipulated by the Authority in Schedule 1 and Notes to the Schedule 1.
3. (甲)
such state or territory.
(b) When a vessel or watercraft is in international waters, the Licensee shall use only those frequency bands which, in accordance with the “Telecommunication
Convention” (電信公約), have been allocated to the amateur service in the region being visited.
4. 持牌人須確保只有經他認許的人,才可操作該電台。持牌人須確保在任何時間內,操作該電台的人員均遵守本牌照的條款、規定及限制。
The Licensee shall ensure that only persons authorized by him operate the Station. The Licensee shall ensure that persons operating the Station shall observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this licence at all times.
Audit No.
(乙) 當船隻或水上航行器在國際水域時,持牌人只可使用根據 “電信公約” (Telecommunication Convention) 經分配給該船隻或航行器所處區域內的業餘業務的頻帶。
(a) Mobile operation shall not be conducted within the jurisdiction of a state or territory outside Hong Kong except with the permission of the administration of
牌照號碼: Licence No.
 樓主| 發表於 28-2-2013 19:31:02 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
5. 本牌照並不授權任何人使用該電台-
(甲)作商業、廣告或宣傳用途;或 (乙)發送(持牌人或與持牌人通訊的人以外的)其他任何人或組織的消息或訊息,或代表這些人或組織發送消息或訊息、或為了這些人或組織的利益或資訊而發送消息
This licence does not authorize the use of the Station -
(a) for business, advertisement or propaganda purposes; or
(b) for the transmission of news or messages of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit or information of, any organization or any person other than the Licensee and
the person with whom he is in communication unless the prior consent of the Authority in writing has been obtained.
6. 雖有一般條件第5(乙)條的規定,持牌人可在緊急事故或救災的情況下代表第三者,使用該電台傳送通訊。
Notwithstanding General Condition 5(b), the Licensee may use the Station for transmitting communications on behalf of third parties in case of emergencies or
disaster relief.
7. (甲) 除非事先獲得管理局書面同意,持牌人不得傳送(除最初呼叫外)其他持牌業餘無線電操作者可以普遍接收的訊息,訊息只可傳送給-
(i) 個別持牌業餘無線電操作者;或
(ii) 持牌業餘無線電操作者的團體,但必須與任何其中一個團體內最少一名持牌業餘無線電操作者先行建立通訊。 (乙) 與香港以外的電台通訊時,持牌人須將訊息用明語電文傳送,並限於有關測詴的技術性訊息及個人情況的述說。 (丙) 持牌人不得發送音樂、公共廣播或演辭。
(a) Except with the prior consent in writing of the Authority, the Licensee shall not send messages (other than initial calls) for general reception by licensed
amateurs, but shall send messages to -
(i) individual licensed amateurs; or
(ii) groups of licensed amateurs as long as communication is first established separately with at least one licensed amateur in any such group.
(b) In the case of communication with stations outside Hong Kong, the Licensee shall send the messages in plain language and shall be limited to messages of a technical nature relating to tests, and to remarks of a personal character.
(c) The Licensee shall not transmit such material as music, public broadcasts or speeches.
8. 該電台不得發送令人厭惡的、淫褻的或不雅的訊息。
No message which is offensive, obscene or indecent shall be transmitted from the Station.
9. 如果接收到未經本牌照授權接收的訊息,持牌人或任何使用該電台的人除對管理局所正式授權的人員或具有適當管轄權的法律審裁處所正式授權的人員外,一概不得透露
If any message, the receipt of which is not authorized by this licence is received, neither the Licensee nor any person using the Station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorized officer of the Authority or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.
儀器 Apparatus
10. (甲) 發訊儀器須採用令人滿意的頻率穩定法。
(乙) 必須裝有量度頻率及功率的設備,而這些設備必須能夠核證發訊儀器所作的發射是在認許的頻帶及功率限制範圍內。
(a) A satisfactory method of frequency stabilization shall be employed in the transmitting apparatus.
(b) Equipment for frequency and power measurement shall be provided capable of verifying that the transmitting apparatus is operating with emissions within
the authorized frequency bands and power limits.
11. (甲)
(a) The apparatus comprised in the Station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the Station does not cause any undue interference to other amateur stations, or any other duly licensed or authorized radiocommunications.
(b) At all times, every precaution shall be taken to avoid over-modulation, and to keep the radiated energy within the narrowest possible frequency bands having regard to the class of emission in use. In particular, the radiation of harmonics and other spurious emissions shall be suppressed to such a level that they cause no interference to any radiocommunications. Tests shall be carried out from time to time to ensure that the requirements of this paragraph are met.
12. 天線的裝設及維修須符合良好的工程標準,以免對附近的人或財物造成不能接受的危險。
An aerial shall be installed and maintained to good engineering standard so as not to pose unacceptable risks to persons or property in the vicinity.
操 作 紀 錄 Record of Operation
13. 該電台的操作紀錄須以管理局在附表1備註所訂明的格式及方式備存。
A record of operation of the Station shall be kept in the format and manner stipulated by the Authority in Notes to the Schedule 1.
電 台 呼 號 Call sign
14. 操作該電台時,本牌照所授予的電台呼號須依照管理局在附表1備註所訂明的程序使用。
When the Station is operated, the call sign assigned under this licence shall be used in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Authority in Notes to the Schedule 1.
檢 查 及 關 閉 Inspection and close-down
15. 在任何合理時間,該電台、本牌照及操作紀錄均須讓管理局所正式授權的人員檢查。
The Station, this licence and the record of operation shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Authority.
16. (甲) 本牌照或管理局所發給的本牌照複本,須備存於裝設該電台的每一個固定地點、船隻、或水上航行器,以便管理局所正式授權的人員作出要求時,可提供查閱。
(乙) 持牌人須將由管理局發出的顯示該電台已領牌的標紙或文件- (i) 展示在裝設該電台的車輛的擋風玻璃上;或
(ii) 張貼在手提儀器上。
(a) This licence, or its duplicate issued by the Authority, shall be available for inspection upon request by duly authorized officers of the Authority at each fixed location, vessel, or watercraft where the Station is installed.
(b) The Licensee shall -
(i) display on the windscreen of a vehicle in which the Station is installed; or
(ii) affix on a portable apparatus,
such disc or document issued by the Authority showing the fact that the Station is licensed.
17. 該電台如對其他正式獲發給牌照或獲認許的無線電通訊造成不必要的干擾,在獲管理局授權的人作出要求時,該電台必須關閉。
The Station shall be closed down on the demand of a person acting under the authority of the Authority when undue interference is being caused to other duly licensed or authorized radiocommunications.
組成該電台的儀器,在設計、構造、維修及使用上,須使該電台的使用不會導致對其他業餘電台、或任何其他獲正式發牌或認許的無線電通訊造成不必要的干擾。 (乙) 在任何時間,必須採取一切預防措施,以避免過度的調制,而對所使用的發射類別,亦須盡可能將輻射能量局限在最窄的頻帶內。諧波輻射及其他雜散發射尤須壓
 樓主| 發表於 28-2-2013 19:32:15 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
釋 義 Interpretation 18. 在本牌照內-
“電信公約 (Telecommunication Convention)”指當時適用於香港的任何《國際電信公約》及增補於該公約的《無線電規則》。
In this licence -
"messages about matters of a personal nature" does not include messages about business affairs;
"messages" and "signals" include telephony, visual communication, digital communication and telegraphy;
"the “Telecommunication Convention” (電信公約)" means any Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, and the Radio Regulations which complement thereto, which for the time being applies to Hong Kong.
其他 Others
19. 持牌人以及持牌人憑本牌照而獲授權設置及使用的電台的所有操作人員,均須遵守及符合 “電信公約” (Telecommunication Convention) 的有關條文。
The Licensee and all persons operating any stations which the Licensee is authorized by this licence to establish and use shall observe and comply with the
relevant provisions of the “Telecommunication Convention” (電信公約).
20. (甲) 本牌照的有效期為管理局在發出本牌照時決定和公布適用於業餘電台牌照的期間。
(乙) 持牌人須繳付當其時由管理局不時決定和公布適用於業餘電台牌照的費用。
(丙) 管理局可在發出日期後,藉向持牌人送達書面通知,在任何時間撤銷本牌照或更改本牌照的條款、條文或限制。根據本條作出的通知可即時生效或於該通知所指明
(a) This Licence shall be valid for such period as determined and published by the Authority to be applicable to Amateur Station Licence at the time of the issue of this licence.
(b) The licensee shall pay the fees applicable to Amateur Station Licence as may from time to time be determined and published by the Authority.
(c) The Authority may at any time after the date of issue revoke this Licence or vary the terms, provisions or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served
on the Licensee. Any notice given under this clause may take effect forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.
21. 本牌照不得轉讓。
This licence is not transferable.
22. 本牌照、管理局所發給的本牌照複本或顯示該電台已獲發給牌照的任何標紙或文件,須在本牌照期滿或撤銷後交回管理局。
This licence or its duplicate issued by the Authority or any disc or document issued by the Authority showing the fact that the Station is licensed shall be returned
to the Authority when this licence has expired or been revoked.
23. 持牌人曾獲發給的有關該電台的牌照,不論牌照的名稱,現均予以撤銷。
Any licence, however described, which has previously been granted to the Licensee in respect of the Station is hereby revoked.
24. 管理局可酌情發表持牌人的姓名及地址,除非持牌人明確要求不要發表。
The Authority may publish the Licensee's name and address at its discretion unless the Licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.
25. 所傳送或接收的內容如享有版權,本牌照並不授權持牌人作出任何侵犯版權的行為。
This licence does not authorize the Licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.
26. 持牌人-
(甲) 須在切實可行範圍內盡快將其通訊地址的更改以書面通知管理局;及
(乙) 須在(甲)段及一般條件第2(丙)條所提及的任何更改生效時,將本牌照及附表交回管理局修改。 The Licensee -
(a) shall give notice, as soon as practicable, in writing to the Authority of any change of his address for correspondence; and
(b) shall return this licence and the Schedules to the Authority for amendment when any of the changes mentioned in paragraph (a) or General Condition 2(c)
have been effected.
1. (甲)
(乙) 電台亦可由一名獲持牌人認許的人操作,而該人必須持有管理局所發出的批准文件,准許其擔任業餘電台的操作員。
1. (a)
Save as otherwise provided in paragraph (b), the Station shall be operated only by the Licensee, or in the presence of and under the direct supervision of the
(b) The Station may also be operated by a person authorized by the Licensee in that behalf and possessing the written permission of the Authority to fill the
position of operator of an amateur station for radiocommunications.
1. 除中繼站不需人手操作外,電台必須由一名獲持牌人授權的人操作,或在該名獲持牌人授權的人在場及監督的情況下由他人操作;而該名獲授權人必須持有管理局所發出 的批准文件,准許其擔任為業餘電台操作員。
1. Except for repeater station which may be unmanned, the Station shall be operated by, or in the presence of and under the supervision of, a person who has been authorized by the Licensee in that behalf and who possesses the written permission of the Authority to fill the position of operator of an amateur station for radiocommunications.
 樓主| 發表於 7-3-2013 17:46:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Licence No.:
業餘電台牌照Amateur Station Licence
Frequency Bands
Frequency Allocation
Class of Emission Permitted
Maximum Power in dBW
in MHz
( 見備註1 ) (See Note 1) (見備註2)(See Note 2) (見備註3) (see Note 3)
載波carrier 峰功􀗤率PEP
1.8 - 2.0 ; 3.5 - 3.9
主要Ε業餘業務primary, amateur service
7.0 - 7.1
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service
7.1 – 7.2
主要Ε業餘業務primary, amateur service
10.1 - 10.15
次要Ε業餘業務secondary, amateur service
14.0 - 14.25
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service
14.25 - 14.35
主要Ε業餘業務primary, amateur service
18.068 - 18.168
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service 莫爾斯電報Morse
21.0 - 21.45
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service 話音通訊Telephony
20 26
24.89 - 24.99
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service 無線電電傳印字機RTTY
28.0 - 29.7
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service 數據Data
50.00 - 51.50
52.025 - 52.11
primary, amateur service 圖文傳真Facsimile
144 .0- 146.0
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service 慢掃描電視SSTV
(14 / 7 *)
430.0 - 431.0
secondary, amateur service
435.0 – 438.0
secondary, amateur satellite service 20 26
435.0 – 439.8
secondary, amateur service
(14 / 7 *)
2,400 – 2,450
secondary, amateur satellite service
20 26
5,650 – 5,670
secondary, amateur satellite service, limited to
earth-to-space direction
20 26
5,725 - 5,850
6 # ---
secondary, amateur service , users must accept
interference from ISM users
10,450 – 10,500
secondary, amateur and amateur satellite service 7 13
24,000 - 24,250
secondary, amateur service, users must accept
interference from ISM users
47,000 - 47,200
主要Ε業餘和衛星業餘業務Television & Pulse –only for
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service frequency above 5,725MHz
76,000 - 77,500
次要Ε業餘和衛星業餘業務20 26
secondary, amateur and amateur satellite service
77,500 - 78,000
primary, amateur and amateur satellite service
78,000 - 81,000
secondary, amateur and amateur satellite service
* 見備註3(􀔬) see Note 3 (b)
# 見備註3(丙) see Note 3 (c)
 樓主| 發表於 7-3-2013 17:46:50 | 顯示全部樓層
附表1 備註
(1) 頻率劃分
(1) Frequency Allocation
(a) Primary:- A frequency band is allocated to the amateur and/or amateur satellite service on a primary basis on condition that no interference is caused to any
other authorized service on a primary basis.
(b) Secondary:- A frequency band is allocated to the amateur and/or amateur satellite service on secondary basis on condition that :-
(i) no interference is caused to stations of primary or permitted services to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may
be assigned at a later day; and
(ii) no protection can be claimed from interference from stations of primary or permitted services to which frequencies are already assigned or
to which frequencies may be assigned at a later day.
(2) 發射類別
(甲) 連續載波(CW)﹕於主載波上以開�合鍵調幅方式並供人工收聽接收的發射類別􀎖
電視︰採用任何以「F」作結的發射類別的電視􀎖此類型只可在1 GHz 以上的頻段中使用􀎖
(􀔬) 同時採用以上任何發射類型的組合Ε􀠏如電話技術和數據Ε以「W」作結的發射類別􀎖
(丙) 脈衝︰採用任何以「P」作結的發射類別的脈衝􀎖此類型只可在1GHz 以上的頻帶中使用􀎖
(2) Class of Emission
Under the Radio Regulations published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) classification of emissions are designated by groups of three characters.
The types of emissions defined here are grouped according to the third character.
(a) Continuous Wave (CW) : Amplitude-modulated transmission by on/off keying the main carrier intended for aural reception.
Morse : Morse telegraphy intended for aural reception using any classes of emission ending in A.
Telephony : Telephony using any classes of emission ending in E.
Television : Television using any classes of emission ending in F. This may only be used in frequency bands above 1 GHz.
Radio Teleprinter (RTTY) : Automatic telegraphy using any classes of emission ending in B. This includes teleprinters using any CCITT recognized codes, and
morse telegraphy intended for automatic reception.
Data : Data using any classes of emission ending in D. The Radio Regulations require that transmissions between amateur stations in different countries shall be
in plain language. All transmissions shall therefore be restricted to using CCITT recognized codes (in plain language).
Facsimile : Facsimile using any classes of emission ending in C.
Slow Scan Television (SSTV) : Television operating in a narrow bandwidth using any classes of emission ending in F.
(b) Simultaneous use of combinations of any of the preceding types of transmission, e.g. Telephony and Data, are described as classes of emission ending in W.
(c) Pulse : Pulse using any classes of emission ending in P. This may only be used in frequency bands above 1 GHz.
(3) 􀗤率
(甲) 最大􀗤率是指供應給天線的無線電射頻􀗤率􀎖最大􀗤率會以載波􀗤率規定􀎖對具有抑制􀎕可變或減幅載波的發射Ε有關􀗤率會在線性的情況下由峰功􀗤率(p.e.p.)決定􀎖至
(􀔬) 144至146 MHz 頻帶和430至440 MHz 的劃分頻帶的移動操作Ε最大有效輻射􀗤率限制為14dBW􀎖而手提式操作Ε限制為7dBW􀎖
(丙) 5.725 – 5.850 GHz 頻帶的操作Ε最大等量全向輻射􀗤率限制為6dBW􀎖
(乙) 發射帶寬必須可確保能最有效率地使用有關頻譜︰一般例說﹐帶寬必須保持在科技及有關業務許可可容許的最低值􀎖若使用帶寬擴展技術Ε則必須採用符合有效率地使用
(3) Power
(a) Maximum power levels refer to the radio-frequency power supplied to the antenna. These levels will be specified by carrier power. For emissions having a
suppressed, variable or reduced carrier the power shall be determined by the peak envelope power (p.e.p.) under linear conditions. For pulse emissions the mean
power shall not exceed the carrier power and the peak power shall not exceed the p.e.p. stipulated for that frequency band.
(b) For mobile operation in the frequency band of 144 - 146 MHz and allocated bands in the 430 - 440 MHz a maximum of 14 dBW erp is permitted. For portable
operation the corresponding limit is 7 dBW erp.
(c) For operation in the frequency band 5.725 - 5.850 GHz, a maximum of 6 dBW equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is permitted.
(d) The bandwidths of emissions shall be such as to ensure the most efficient utilisation of the spectrum : in general this requires that bandwidths be kept at the
lowest values which technology and the nature of the service permit. Where bandwidth-expansion techniques are used the minimum spectral power density
consistent with efficient spectrum utilisation shall be employed. However whatever class of emission is in use the bandwidth occupied by the intended emission
shall be such that not more than 1% of the mean power of the transmission shall fall outside of the authorized bands. This 1% does not include the power
contained in harmonic and spurious emissions.
(4) 無線電引致的意外
(甲) 由於強烈的射頻幅射可能會有害﹐所以三􀙨安􀙤限制適用於人們暴露於該種幅射中的地點︰-
f(以MHz計) (V/m) Seq(W/m2 )
1-10 87/
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