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1. 業餘電台牌照的種類
Type of Amateur Station Licence
There are two types of Amateur Station Licence. The licence you are holding shall be one of these.
(a) 業餘電台牌照
Amateur Station Licence
This type of licence is issued to an individual to possess, establish and maintain an amateur station.
(b) 社團的業餘電台牌照
Amateur Station Licence for Club
This type of licence is issued to a society, club, association, school, etc. (hereafter called the “club”) which allows members or students of the club to
operate the club’s amateur stations in Hong Kong.
According to General Condition 1 of the Amateur Station Licence, you shall use only classes of emission, powers and frequency bands as authorized by the
Communications Authority (CA) in Schedule 1.
2. 牌照的有效期和續牌
Validity Period and Renewal of the Licence
Your licence shall be valid for one year. A renewal notice will be issued to you one month before the expiry date. You shall pay the prescribed renewal fee if
you want to be licensed in the following year. You shall keep your renewal receipt together with your licence in order to show the validity of your licence.
3. 更改牌照資料須使用的表格
Forms to be used for Change of Particulars of the Licence
如牌照上的資料有任何變更,申請轉換呼號、牌照複本或標簽,下列表格和附表可向通訊事務管理局辦公室(通訊辦) 索取以供使用。
If there are any changes to the particulars of your licence, application for change of call sign, duplicate licence or identification label, the following forms and
schedule are available from the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) for your use.
(甲) 申請業餘電台牌照 / 操作授權證明 - OFCA A201。
(a) Application for Amateur Station Licence / Authority to Operate - OFCA A201.
(乙) 業餘電台牌照更改資料通知書 - OFCA F203 。
(b) Notification of Changes of Amateur Station Licence Particulars - OFCA F203.
(丙) 業餘電台儀器附表 - OFCA S204。
(c) Amateur Station Equipment Schedule - OFCA S204.
4. 更改通訊地址
Change of Correspondence Address
According to General Condition 26(a) and (b), you shall notify CA in writing as soon as practicable of any change to your correspondence address. You can use
the form as stated in section 3(b) for this purpose and send back the original licence for amendment.
5. 增加及更改裝設有無線電設備的電台地址、車輛、船隻或水上航行器
Additional and Change of Station Address, Vehicle, Vessel or Watercraft with Amateur Equipment
According to General Condition 2(c), you shall not change the location of the station as specified in Schedule 2 to your licence (i.e. fixed location, vehicle, vessel
or watercraft) without the prior consent of CA. Therefore, if there is any addition or change, you shall use the form as stated in section 3(b) to seek for such
consent first. You shall send back the original licence as well to OFCA for amendment. Moreover, please be advised that only private vehicle registered under
the name of the licensee will be accepted for application.
6. 增加, 更換和取銷儀器
Additional, Replacement and Deletion of Equipment
根據一般條件第二條(丁) , 對於增加, 更換和取銷業餘無線電儀器, 持牌人須在此類更改後七十二小時內以書面通知通訊局。請留意所持有的業餘無
線電儀器應符合附表一所述的要求。你應使用第三(乙)項及第三(丙) 項所述的表格和附表申報。
According to General Condition 2(d), for the addition, replacement or deletion of amateur radio equipment, the licensee should notify CA in writing within 72
hours for such change. Please note the amateur radio equipment shall satisfy the requirements as specified in Schedule 1. You can use the form and schedule as
stated in section 3(b) and section 3(c) for this purpose.
7. 設有儀器的附加固定地點和船隻或水上航行器的牌照複本
Duplicate Licence for Additional Fixed Locations and Vessels or Watercraft with Equipment
根據一般條件第十六條(甲), 如持牌人擁有超過一個固定地點或於船隻或水上航行器上安裝移動儀器, 便須要每個固定地點或每艘船隻或水上航行器
申請一份牌照複本. 每份牌照複本的費用為港幣五十五元正。申請牌照複本應使用第三(乙)項所述的表格申請。
According to General Condition 16(a), if you have more than one fixed location or have a vessel or watercraft on which mobile equipment is installed, you will
have to apply for a duplicate licence for each of these additional locations. The current fee for each duplicate licence is $55. You can use the form as stated in
section 3(b) for applying duplicate licence.
8. 用於車輛或船隻上的儀器,船隻或水上航行器和手提儀器的證明標紙
Identification Disc for Equipment installed on Vehicles, Vessel or Watercraft and Portable Equipment
根據一般條件第十六條(乙), 通訊局會簽發手提儀器和車輛或船隻或水上航行器上使用的移動儀器的證明標紙。簽發此標紙無須繳費。請將標紙貼在
手提儀器上或展示於車輛的擋風玻璃上,此標紙會於儀器首次登記時和其後每年續牌時發出。 請使用第三(丙)項所述的表格填寫業餘無線電儀器的
According to General Condition 16(b), CA will issue identification discs to portable equipment and mobile equipment installed on vehicles or vessel or
watercraft. These discs will be issued free of charge and they should be affixed on your portable equipment or displayed on the windscreen of your vehicles
fitted with the mobile equipment. CA will issue these discs to you upon the first registration of the portable equipment and vehicle or vessel watercraft and
upon annual renewal of the licence. You are required to report the particulars of your amateur equipment to OFCA using the form as stated in section 3(c) after
the establishment of your station.
9. 業餘電台的操作
Operation of Amateur Station
(a) 持牌人;
(b) 獲持牌人授權及在持牌人直接監督下的人士;或
(c) 獲持牌人授權而該等人士是持有有效的業餘電台牌照或操作授權證明。
請注意,根據一般條件第四條規定, 持牌人有責任確保任何獲授權的操作人士必須遵守牌照上的一切條件。
You must make sure that your station may only be operated by
(a) yourself personally;
(b) persons authorized by you and in the presence of and under the direct supervision of you; or
(c) persons authorized by you and these persons shall possess a valid Amateur Station Licence or Authority to Operate (ATO).
Please note that it is your responsibility under General Condition 4 to ensure that any person authorized by you should comply with all the conditions under your
10. 檢查電台和電台牌照
Inspection of Station and Licence
根據一般條件第十五和十六條,在任何合理的時間下,持牌人的電台牌照、 牌照複本、 証明標紙和電台的操作紀錄均須讓通訊局正式授權的人員
檢查。 請留意在操作無線電儀器時,必須攜帶業餘電台牌照或操作授權証明。
According to General Condition 15 & 16, your licence, its duplicate, the identification discs and record of operation of your station shall be available for
inspection at all reasonable times by the authorized officers by the CA. Please be advised to carry your Amateur Station Licence or ATO whenever you operate
your radio equipment.
11. 刊登持牌人的姓名及地址
Publishing of Licensee's Name and Address
根據一般條件第二十四條的規定, 基於公眾利益,通訊局可刊登持牌人的姓名及地址。如對此刊登有異議時,請在牌照發出日期後一個月內以書面
According to General Condition 24, CA may publish your name and address for public interest. If you have objection to this, please notify CA in writing within
one month from date of issue of your licence.
12. 莫爾斯測驗及格可申請轉換新呼號
Change of Call Sign after passing the Amateur Morse Test
在香港專業教育學院(青衣分校)舉辦的莫爾斯測驗及格後,持牌人可申請轉換另一階層的呼號。在5 wpm 的莫爾斯測驗及格後,持牌人可選擇
“VR2A”, “VR2B” 或 “VR2C” 後面加 個英文字母的呼號。在 12 wpm 的莫爾斯測驗及格後,持牌人則可選擇在 “VR2” 後面加 個英文字母的
After passing the Amateur Morse Test conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education – Tsing Yi, a licensee may apply to change his/her call
sign to a different level. After passing an Amateur Morse Test at 5 wpm, a licensee may choose a call sign from the “VR2A”, “VR2B” or “VR2C” level
followed by two letters. After passing an Amateur Morse Test at 12 wpm, a licensee is allowed to choose a call sign of “VR2” followed by two letters. To apply
for change of call sign, the applicant should complete and submit the application form stated in section 3(a).
13. 遺失或損毀牌照或證明標紙
Loss or Damage of Licence or Identification Disc
If your licence is lost or damaged, you shall apply for a duplicate licence. The current fee for the duplicate licence is $55. You can use the form stated in section
3(b) for application. If any one of your identification discs is lost or damaged, you shall apply for a duplicate. The duplicate is free of charge. You can use the
form as stated in section 3(b) for application.
14. 退還電台牌照和證明標紙
Return of Licence & Identification Disc
根據一般條件第二十二條, 持牌人應在牌照期滿, 撤銷或損毀後的四星期內將有關的牌照、牌照複本或證明標紙一併退還通訊辦。根據電訊規例
According to General Condition 22, your licence or its duplicate or any identification disc shall be returned to OFCA within 4 weeks when your licence has
expired, been revoked or damaged. Otherwise, according to Telecommunication Regulations (Cap. 106A) section 10, you shall be guilty of an offence and liable
on conviction to a fine of HK$10000.
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中華業餘無線電研究會 - 業餘無線電考試(筆試)班

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