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2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

 樓主| 發表於 3-7-2007 10:36:00 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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 樓主| 發表於 3-7-2007 12:38:51 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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 樓主| 發表於 3-7-2007 12:54:09 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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發表於 3-7-2007 13:54:30 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

LM386 習作
發表於 3-7-2007 13:57:06 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

LM386 習作

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 樓主| 發表於 4-7-2007 00:32:19 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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 樓主| 發表於 4-7-2007 00:33:07 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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 樓主| 發表於 4-7-2007 00:33:39 | 顯示全部樓層

2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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 樓主| 發表於 4-7-2007 15:05:48 | 顯示全部樓層





       Adoptedat the 9th Regional Conference in 1994
A1.  These Rules are validfor and should be used in connection with IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships in amateurradio direction finding.
A2.  It is recommendedthat these Rules shall be the basis for national championships and competitionsorganised by IARU Region 3 member societies.

B1. Preliminary preparations
B1.1     TheRegion 3 ARDF Committee (ARDF Committee herein after) will decide what proceduresshould be taken and, at the same time, undertake all relevant preparations, seeingto it that procedures are made as simply as possible.
B1.2     (Reserved)
B1.3     (Reserved)
B1.4     (Reserved)
B2. Participation, Finance and Organisation
B2.1     In each national team no more than three competitors in each category for both competitions(3.5 and 144 MHz) are allowed. The composition of the teams shall be defined andlimited as follows:
a)  not more than THREE seniors.The age of competitors starting in SENIORS category shall not be taken into account,
b) not more than THREE women. Theage of competitors starting in WOMEN category shall not be taken into account,
c)  not more than THREE juniors.Competitors starting in JUNIORS category shall be born on or after January 1st ofthe year defined as the year in which the Championships takes place minus nineteen,
d) not more than THREE old timers.Competitors starting in OLD TIMERS category shall be born before the January 1stof the year defined as the year in which the Championships takes place minus forty,
shall be present in any team.
Each team shall have a designatedteam leader who shall be at least 18 years of age. One of the competitors may serveas a team leader. A trainer may accompany each team.
B2.2     For training and promotional purposes, one additional team may be fielded by theorganising society. This team shall participate unofficially, and its members shallnot commence operation until 15 minutes after the last official competitor has started.
B2.3     For ARDF competitions at national level, ARDF Committee recommends that two additionalteams defined by age category are allowed to take part. These are:
a)     "youngsters"(i.e. members of fifteen years of age or less as of 1 Januaryin the year in which the competition takes places),
b)     which the competition takes places).
Additional categories may be introducedat the discretion of the Organising Society.
B2.4     The Organising Society shall send by registered mail invitations to participatein the Championships. These shall be sent not later than EIGHT MONTHS prior to thecommencement of the Championships and shall be sent to the IARU International Secretariatand to the Secretariats of IARU Regions 1 and 2. At the same time the OrganisingSociety shall send direct invitations to other Societies selected with assistanceof the relevant ADRF Committee Chairman.
B2.5     Societies which intend to take part in the Championships shall send a registeredletter of intent to participate to the Organising Society not later than SIX MONTHSprior to the date of commencement of the Championships. This letter shall indicatethe number of participants and others who will be attending. No other informationneed to be provided at this time.
B2.6     Not later than FIVE MONTHS prior to the date of commencement of the Championships,the Organising Society shall send the following information by registered mail tothose societies who submitted letters of intent to participate as per B2.5. above:
a)  the full  program of  the  Championships, showing the times and locations of all events,
b) information regarding travelfacilities, e.g. from the airport to the location of the Championships, from thehotel to the site of the Championships, etc.
c)  radio direction findingequipment, visa requirements, currency regulations, requirements relating to applicationsfor amateur radio licenses for visitors to the host country, etc.
At the same time, invitations tointernational referees requires at the Championships (see B3.2) shall be sent outby the Organising Society.
B2.7     (Reserved)
B2.8     Societies participating in the IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships shall submit tothe Organising Society the participation fee for each competitor. The amount ofthe participation fee will be defined for each championships by the ARDF Committeein co-operation with the Organising Society. Fees for all Societies - whether memberof the IARU or not - will be the same.
B2.9     Participating societies shall bear the travel expenses of their teams to and fromthe place of the Championships and the costs of accommodation and board during theChampionships.
B2.10    Administrativeand technical expenses connected with the Championships shall be borne by the OrganisingSociety.
B2.11    (Reserved)
B2.12    The OrganisingSociety shall arrange suitable hotel reservations for various types of accommodation.Participating societies are free to arrange their own accommodation and the OrganisingSociety should be prepared to assist if required. The Organising Society shouldalso be prepared to advise on travelling facilities.
B2.13    IARU membersocieties outside the relevant Region may take part, however, their teams will beclassified as unofficial.
B2.14    ARDF Committeerecommends that IARU Region 3 Championships should, in principle, be held once inevery three years.
B2.15    To qualifyas an IARU ARDF World or Regional Championships, at least FOUR societies in additionto the Organising Society can apply for participation. In other words, a total ofFIVE societies.
B2.16    (Reserved)
B3. The International Jury
B3.1     The International Jury for IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships shall consist of thefollowing members:
a) Chairman of the Jury
b) Secretary of the Jury
c) Referee at the start
d) Referee at the finish
e) Referee in chief at hidden transmitters
f)   Referees at hiddentransmitters
g) Siting referee
h) Technical referee
B3.2     The Chairman of the Jury shall be a member of the ARDF Committee or an ARDF InternationalClass Referee designated by the ARDF Committee. The referee in Chief at hidden transmitters,at start and finish and the siting referee shall be International Class Referees.The siting referee shall be provided by the Organising Society. The Secretary ofthe Jury and the technical referee shall both be provided by the Organising Societyand neither need be International Class Referees.
The members of the Jury shall beselected and proposed by the Chairman of the ARDF Committee in co-operation withthe Organising Society, from the list of approved IARU International ARDF Referees.They shall be drawn from as many member societies as possible, but in any eventmust have been drawn from at least FOUR.
B3.3     Members of a national team who are not competitors in the Championships and whoare International Class Referees may be invited to serve as full members of theInternational Jury. Team leaders and trainers who are not members of the InternationalJury may take part in International Jury Meetings, although they shall have NO votingrights.
B3.4     The International Jury must meet a day prior to each competition to approve thefollowing:
a)  the time limit,
b) the starting sequence,
which has been determined by theOrganising Society.
At the end of each competition theInternational Jury shall meet to discuss and approve the results. The time limitshall be related to the difficulty of the terrain over which the competition istaking place, but in any event it shall lie in the range between 100 and 140 MINUTES.
B3.5     In cases of dispute, a solution shall be reached by means of a vote. in the eventof an equal number of "aye" and "no" votes, the Chairman ofthe International Jury shall have the casting vote and shall decide.
B3.6     During all competitions, all Jury members shall have "JURY" emblems orbadges clearly visible.
B3.7     Decisions of the International Jury are final and cannot be challenged.

C1. General
C1.1     IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships shall take place on two amateur bands, namely 3.5MHz and 144 MHz. Separate competitions shall take place on each band on differentdays. The Organising Society may, however, hold simultaneous runs or heats on twobands and over different courses for different categories of competitors. In thiscase, one band shall be used for seniors and women, the other by juniors and oldtimers.
C1.2     Each participant may take part in competitions on both 3.5 and 144 MHz or in competitionon only one band.
C1.3     It is absolutely forbidden to give or take any assistance from or to any person,including competitors, and also to utilise any means or method of transport. Thepenalty for both shall be disqualification.
C1.4     Competitors shall not inflict loss or damage on or to the property of any otherperson.
C1.5     Competitors take part in all competitions at their own risk.
C1.6     In the event of a thunderstorm, the Chairman of the International Jury shall beentitled to recall competition immediately.
C2. Technical
C2.1     The area and terrain over which the competition takes place shall be predominantlywooded. Differences in level over the terrain shall not exceed 200 meters. The OrganisingSociety shall exercise prudence in the choice of terrain taking into account anyhazards that might be harmful to the health of competitors. An area used in thepast 12 months for any ARDF event should not be used.
C2.2     Transmitters shall be located not less than 400 meters apart. The transmitters nearestto the start of the competition shall be located not less than 750 meters from thestart. The total distance between start and finish, taking into account the locationsof all transmitters, shall lie in the range between FOUR and SEVEN kilometres.
No operators shall be present atthe transmitters themselves; the transmitter operator and the associated refereeshall be well concealed at an appropriate distance from the transmitter.
C2.3     A three-sided prism made from cardboard, plastic etc. and RED and WHITE in colorshall be placed at a distance not more than TWO meters from each transmitter. Attachedto this prism shall be a registering device. The prism shall carry the number ofthe associated transmitter and its operating band.
C2.4     FIVE hidden transmitters shall operate on each band (i.e. 3.5 and 144 MHz) in thefollowing sequence:
       Inthe first minute:        transmitter no.1,
                                   radiatingthe characters MOE.
       Inthe second minute:       transmitter no. 2,
                                   radiatingthe characters MOI.
       Inthe third minute:        transmitter no. 3,
                                   radiatingthe characters MOS.
       Inthe fourth minute:       transmitter no. 4,
                                   radiatingthe characters MOH.
       Inthe fifth minute:        transmitter no. 5,
                                  radiating the characters MO5.
This sequence shall repeat afterthe fifth minute with transmitter no. 1 operating in the sixth minute, etc.
A sixth transmitter, acting as abeacon, shall be placed at the entrance to the "finishing corridor" (seeD2.10). This transmitter shall transmit the characters MO continuously.
3.5 MHz transmitters shall use A1Aemission. 144 MHz transmitters shall use A2A emission.
Keying speeds shall lie in the rangebetween 8 and 12 words per minute.
C2.5     All 3.5 MHz and 144 MHz transmitters shall operate in the frequency range in accordancewith the band plan of the Organising Society. All transmitters apart from the sixth(beacon) transmitter shall operate on the same frequency, the beacon transmittershall operate on a frequency which is significantly different from that of the otherfive transmitters. Frequency stability shall be 0.05% or better.
3.5 MHz transmitters output shalllie in the range between 3 and 5 watts.
The transmitters for 144 MHz shallhave an Effective Radiated Power (ERP) not lower than 0.25 watt and not higher than1.5 watt measured with an accuracy of 1.5 dB and a modulation degree not lower than60% and not higher than 90% measured with an accuracy of 5%. All transmitters usedin the same competition shall have the same ERP within the same ERP within 3 dBand the degree of modulation between any of the A2A modulated transmitters shallbe within 10% of one another.
ARDF Committee recommends that transmittersshall be sequentially switched and keyed fully automatically, i.e. without the assistanceof an operator. ARDF Committee also recommends that one standby transmitter shallbe provided at each transmitter location, which shall be kept switched on and whichcan be brought into service immediately in the event of failure of the main transmitter.
If all transmitters are to be sequentiallyswitched by means of clocks, there shall be no time difference longer than FIVESECONDS between transmitting periods.
Aerials associated with each transmittershall provide omnidirectional horizontal radiation patterns. Vertical polarisationshall be used in the 3.5 MHz band and horizontal polarisation in the 144 MHz band.
C2.6     Transmission shall begin after all receivers have been collected at the startingpoint. Transmission from transmitters apart from the beacon transmitter shall stopwhen the time limit for the last group of competitors has ended. The beacon transmittershall remain operating until all competitors have returned. For control and loggingpurposes, all transmissions shall be monitored and registered by the OrganisingSociety.
C2.7     The operation and audibility of all transmitters shall be checked at the start ofeach competition by the receiver using a non-directional antenna. The signals fromthe hidden transmitters should be made audible to the competitors at the startingpoint only.
C2.8     The following information shall be clearly shown on a special panel or board atthe start of each competition:
a)  the time limit,
b) the transmitter frequencies,
c)  legend of map symbols,
d) starting list, showing starttime of each competitor,
e)  a sample of the prism andregistering device.
C2.9     Only competitors and authorised officials may enter the competition area, exceptthat there shall be designated waiting and gathering areas for those whose dutiesso require.
C2.10    A "servicenet" using radiotelephony shall be provided by the Organising Society for thepurpose of maintaining contact between the starting point, the finishing line andthe referees at hidden transmitters. The "service net" shall not causeharmful interference to competitor's receivers.
C2.11    Time measurementto an accuracy of ONE SECOND or better shall be provided by means of mechanicalor electronic chronometers at the start and finish line. Each competitor shall bepermitted to check his or her recorded times with a referee.
C2.12    A continuousmedical service shall be provided by the Organising Society for the duration ofeach competition. A medical first-aid point shall be located near the finishingline.
C2.13    Competitorsshall not take drugs which could alter their performance at any time during thecompetition and during the 24 hours prior to the commencement of any competition.The International Jury shall be entitled to arrange random medical checks beforeor after competition.
C2.14    Within 5months prior to the competition, the Organising Society shall send the followinginformation to the appointed Chairman of the International Jury:
a)  the measured output powerand the calculated ERP of the 144 MHz transmitters,
b) what kind of antenna to be usedon 144 MHz,
c)  a picture  from aspectrum analyser verifying that the 144 MHz transmitters are transmitting a trueAM signal with no FM components.
C3. Determination of start sequence
C3.1     The starting sequence associated with a particular team shall be decided by theteam leader and announced to the International Jury 24 HOURS prior to the commencementof the competition. The Organising Society shall prepare the starting list and assignstarting numbers to the competitors.
The first group shall consist of:
            "senior" from the team drawn as first,
            "junior" from the team drawn as second,
            "woman" from the team drawn as third,
            "old timer" from the team drawn as fourth.
The second starting group consistof:
            "senior" from the team drawn as fifth,
            "junior" from the team drawn as sixth,
            "woman" from the team drawn as seventh,
            "old timer" from the team drawn as eighth.
The start of competitors from thesame team in two consecutive starting groups shall be avoided.
C3.2     In the event of there being an unequal number of competitors in each category, furthergroups shall be permitted to consist of one, two or three competitors.
C3.3     The staring numbers assigned to competitors by the International Jury shall be validduring both competitions, i.e. those relating to both 3.5 MHz and 144 MHz.
C4. Classification of awards
C4.1     Classification shall be provided in the following individual categories:
            3.5 MHz band - seniors           144MHz band - seniors
            3.5 MHz band - juniors           144MHz band - juniors
            3.5 MHz band - women            144 MHz band - women
            3.5 MHz band - old timers        144 MHzband - old timers
For teams, the same categories shallapply. Teams will be classified only if there are at least THREE teams in a particularcategory in an individual competition.
C4.2     The place of an individual competitor in a category depends on the time he or shetakes to complete a heat or run. The shortest times shall correspond to the highestplace. Competitors finding all transmitters shall be scheduled as "first",those who fail to find one transmitter as "seconds", etc. Competitorswho either fail to find all hidden transmitters or who exceeded the time limit shallnot be classified.
The awards for Member Societiesand Non-Member Societies should be different, that is, two separate kind of awardsshall be set, one for member societies only and the other for member societies andnon-member societies.
C4.3     The place of a particular team in each category shall depend on the sum of the timestaken for a particular run or heat by the two classified team members possessingthe best scores. The shortest sum of timings shall correspond to the highest place.Teams whose two best competitors discover all hidden transmitters shall be classifiedas "firsts", those who fail to discover one transmitter as "seconds",etc.
C4.4     In the event of the results for two or more individual competitors or team beingequal, each shall share the appropriate placing.
C4.5     Competitors gaining first places in their categories in IARU Region 3 ARDF Championshipsshall win the title "Regional Champion". They shall be awarded gold medalsand certificates. Competitors gaining second and third places shall be awarded silverand bronze medals respectively, together with certificates.
C4.6     Teams gaining first places in their categories in IARU Region 3 ARDF Championshipsshall be awarded the title "Regional Team Champions". They shall be awardedprizes and certificates. All classified members of the team shall be awarded goldmedals and certificates. Teams gaining second and third places shall be awardedcertificates. All classified members of the team shall be awarded silver and bronzemedals respectively, together with certificates.
C4.7     (Reserved)
C4.8     (Reserved)
C4.9     The Organising Society is authorised to present all competitors with diplomas ofparticipation.
C4.10    Participantsin competitions may also be awarded additional prizes and/or souvenirs presentedby the Organising Society or other sponsors.
C5. Protests
C5.1     Any protest or protests concerning competition results shall be submitted by teamleaders IN WRITING to the Chairman of the International Jury. Such protest or protestsshall be submitted within ONE HOUR after the announcement of the results of thecompetition. The protest or protests shall be examined by the International Juryand their ruling and reply made known to the competitors on the SAME DAY.

D1. Equipment of competitors
D1.1     Each competitor shall arrive with his or her own equipment as follows:
a)  one or more receivers,
b) suitable antenna or antennas,
c)  suitable battery or batteries.
Each competitor shall also haveavailable a personal identification document showing his or her date of birth.
D1.2     Receivers and antennas of any type may be used by competitors. However, the useof receivers radiating harmful interference in the 3.5 and/or 144 MHz bands isprohibited. Any competitor's receiver producing audible interference in the 3.5and/or 144 MHz bands at a distance of 10 METERS or greater from itself or its antennashall be prohibited from use by a competitor. The International Jury shall havethe right to request tests on any competitor's receiver prior to its use in thecompetition.
D1.3     The Organising society shall supply each competitor with the following items:
a)  a "starting ticket",which shall be used as an identification card during the course of the competition,
b) a map  covering the area associated with the competition. ARDF Committee recommends that the standard orienteeringmap of a scale at least 1:20,000 shall be used. The starting point and finish beaconshall be clearly marked on the map. Unless otherwise noted, the area covered bythe map issued by the organiser shall be considered as the competition area.
c)  "starting numbers",which shall be affixed to the front and rear of the competitor's garments.
D2. Competition procedure
D2.1     On arrival at the competition area, competitors shall place their receivers at thepoint indicated to them by the referee. The hidden transmitters shall remain silentuntil collection of the receivers is completed.
D2.2     Competitors shall be given their receivers, together with their maps and startingtickets, TEN MINUTES prior to their own start.
D2.3     Competitors shall commence to search for the hidden transmitters in groups of maximumFOUR. These groups shall commence searching at intervals of FIVE MINUTES. Each groupshall start at the time the TRANSMITTER No.1 begins operation.
D2.4     Each group shall consist of one senior, one junior, one old timer and one woman.Each person in a group shall be drawn from a different team.
D2.5     ARDF Committee recommends that two "starting corridors" shall be providedby the Organising Society. Each starting corridor shall be between 50 and 250 METERSin length. The end of corridor shall neither be visible from the beginning of thesame corridor nor from any part of the second corridor. One corridor shall be usedas the starting point for seniors and women and the other corridor shall be usedas the starting point for juniors and old timers.
Notwithstanding the above, if theconfiguration of the competition terrain or area does not permit the establishmentof two corridors, the Organising Society shall provide one corridor which shallbe used for all starts.
D2.6     When the starting signal is given, competitors shall run along the starting corridor.When the competitor reaches the end, he or she shall switch on his or her receiverand shall commence searching for the hidden transmitters.
D2.7     Transmitters shall be searched for as follows:
Senior        competitors shall search for ALL FIVE TRANSMITTERS.
Junior         competitors shall NOT search for TRANSMITTER No. 3.
Women        competitors shall NOT search for TRANSMITTER No. 4.
Old Timer   competitorsshall NOT search for TRANSMITTER No. 5.
The sequence in which competitorssearch for and discover transmitters is entirely at their discretion.
D2.8     The discovery of each hidden transmitter shall be registered on the starting ticketof the competitor by means of the registering device attached to the prism (seeC2.3 above).
D2.9     When the competitor has found all hidden transmitters required for his or her category,he or she shall run to the finish using the map and the signals from the beacontransmitter. However, the beacon transmitter need not be discovered and its discoveryis not required to be registered on the competitor's starting ticket.
D2.10    On reachingthe beacon transmitter, the competitor shall run through the finishing corridor,which shall be between 50 and 100 METERS in length. The finishing time of the competitorshall be measured at the finishing line at the end of the finishing corridor, andthis time shall be announced immediately. After crossing the finishing line, thecompetitor shall hand his or her starting ticket and start numbers to the referee.Loss of starting ticket and/or start number may result in the disqualification ofthe competitor. The starting and finishing corridors shall be appropriately marked.

E1.       All matters concerning IARU Amateur Radio Direction-Finding Competitions and Championshipswhich have not been covered or specified by or in these Rules shall be consideredby the ARDF Committee. They may also be considered during the course of the Championshipsby the International Jury.
E2.       Changes to these Rules can be introduced only by the IARU Region 3 Conference orduring the period between Conferences by the IARU Region 3 ARDF Committee.




Adopted at the 9thRegional Conference in 1994

1.   The following twoclasses of the IARU Region 3 International Referees in ARDF are introduced:
a)  Active Referee
b) Honorary Referee
2.   The candidates fornomination as the Active Referee shall fulfil the following conditions:
a)  being a holder of a validamateur transmitting license,
b) serving at least 3 years as thenational ARDF referee,
c)  being a member of IARUMember Society,
d) being capable to communicatein English,
e)  knowing the IARU Region3 ARDF Rules.
3.   The candidate fornomination as the IARU Region 3 International Active Referee is to be submittedby his/her national member society to the Chairman of the ARDF Committee, with thewritten proof (signed by the President, Vice President or Secretary of the Society),that the candidate fulfils the conditions listed in point 2. After the careful study by the members of ARDF Committee, the Chairman of the ARDF Committee shall makethe final approvement and issue a written certificate to the newly appointed referee.At the same time, the Chairman of ARDF Committee shall submit a report to the Secretaryof Region 3 for the announcement on the Regional News Publication.
4.   The number of IARURegion 3 International Active Referees in ARDF shall not exceed five per one membersociety.
5.   The IARU Region 3International Active Referee who has not participate as the Jury member at the nationalor international ARDF event organised by the IARU or IARU Member Society for theconsecutive five years, is automatically deleted from the list of Active Refereesand became the Honorary Referee. The IARU Region 3 ARDF Committee will update atthe beginning of every year the list of International ARDF Referees, moving - if the case appears - the inactive referees from the list of Active Referees tothe Honorary Roster. The place of the referee who became the Honorary ARDF Refereemay be replaced (on request of the member society involved) by the another amateurfulfilling the conditions as in point 2. The Honorary Referee may be turned backto the Active list on the written request of his society, but only when the numberof Active Referees representing this Society is less than five.
6.   Only IARU InternationalActive ARDF Referees are entitled to serve as the member of Jury at the IARU InternationalARDF events.
7.     The member societies having an international class referees in ARDF shall send tothe Chairman of ARDF Committee once a year (as per December 31st) a list showingthe participance of their referees in national and international ARDF events inthe year ended.
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2米波段144兆 AM 無線電測向機 制作 ( VR2首創 )

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