樓主: VR2GY

業餘衛星 AO 51 通聯......繼續追擊

 樓主| 發表於 7-10-2010 23:59:33 | 顯示全部樓層
這根3V 9U 八木天線 表現良好
0 AO 51-0000-2010-09-28=10--.jpg
 樓主| 發表於 7-10-2010 23:59:59 | 顯示全部樓層
這根3V 9U 八木天線 表現良好
0 AO 51-0000-2010-09-28=10-.jpg
 樓主| 發表於 14-10-2010 01:37:28 | 顯示全部樓層
是JOTA 世界童軍活動
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 樓主| 發表於 14-10-2010 01:47:28 | 顯示全部樓層
這個頻道 平時較少使用


390.99 KB, 下載次數: 315

 樓主| 發表於 14-10-2010 01:51:21 | 顯示全部樓層
0 AO 51-0000-2010-10-13-.jpg
 樓主| 發表於 16-10-2010 00:19:51 | 顯示全部樓層
在極低仰角 仍可操作
0009-435 MHZ-84-=.jpg
 樓主| 發表於 16-10-2010 23:10:41 | 顯示全部樓層
AO-51 repeater mode to support JOTA operations

AO-51 Command Station Mark Hammond N8MH, said that the AO-51 Operations Team will configure the satellite to support the Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) for Scouting

AO-51 FM Repeater, V/U
Uplink: 145.880 MHz FM (no PL tone)
Downlink: 435.150 MHz FM

No transmitter power or antenna restrictions usually associated with the QRP mode of AO-51 operation on this repeater apply to JOTA stations. Use good amateur practice during your operations.

Non-scouting users are asked to use 10 watts or less, and omni-directional or handheld antennas on this repeater. Last minute schedule changes may be required due to the power budget aboard AO-51. Also non-scouting stations please give way to JOTA stations or QSOs with JOTA stations

The 2010 Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, will begin on Saturday, October 16, 2010, at 00:00 hours local time, and end on Sunday, October, 17, 2010, at 23:59 hours local time.

This is an annual Scouting and amateur radio event sponsored by the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Thousands of amateur radio stations around the world participate.

In the United States, Cub Scout dens and Boy Scout patrols visit a local amateur's ham shack during JOTA. Amateurs set up stations giving Scouts and leaders a chance to exchange greetings with Scouts from other areas. The exchanges typically include information such as Name, QTH, Scout rank, Hobbies, and Age. Full details from the World Scout Bureau can be found on-line at:

Scouts and Amateur Radio operators may also find the ARBONET III high altitude balloon launch for JOTA interesting. ARBONET has published full details of their mission on-line at:

Launch Date: Saturday, Oct 17, 2009 9:30 AM CDT, Clarksville, Texas
Launch Net: K5FRC - 3.910MHz +/-, Starting at 9:00AM CST
Payloads: 2M Voice Beacon: ID: K5ARB - 144.390 MHz FM
2M APRS: ID: K5ARB-1. 144.390 MHz.
2M CW Homing Beacon ID: K5ARB. Comprised of FM carrier
with CW tone at 147.475 MHz
2M APRS: K5ARB-2 144.390 MHz.
70CM / 2M FM Cross-Band Repeater: K5ARB -
445.800 MHz UP, 145.560MHz Down
20M CW Homing Beacon ID: K5RWK - 14.058 MHz

A DX-cluster for spotting JOTA activity can be accessed via telnet at pi4raz.nl port 7300. This cluster will be available for scouting purposes all year round, not just for JOTA.
 樓主| 發表於 18-10-2010 23:22:18 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 18-10-2010 23:23:06 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 9-11-2010 00:36:45 | 顯示全部樓層
VR2VBU 於 2010 年 11 月7 日 下午4: 20 經人造衛星 AO-51 通聯
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